
Miss Crystal





Salone 2005

Blokes macedonia Tetris

Sony Style I

Sony Style II

Sony Style III

Tavolo Draakje

Tavolo Timo

Bel Tran Tran



Domus Academy

Agorà Scenografie

Miguel Berrocal


Glitter Comunicazione

JKR Productions

Progettazione Loghi I

Progettazione Loghi II

Diesel Party CD

MINI Collection

BMW lifestyle

Borgo di colle Landone

David Colaiacomo

Agmin Group - Agmin Italy

AWB Travel

Versi Gufi

Video Moscardino


Many Components


Modellazione 3D

Video Agmin


Strategy and Research


FIAT One Step Ahead

Microsoft MSN E-Ambassador



A project for a type of furniture called Sony Style to decorate all the stores of North America (USA and Canada) independently from the setting up already present. The brief report asks that the design of the furniture transmit their image of name brand.


The family of eight different modular types of furniture reflect the style and personality of the slogan SonyStyle: “Go Create”. The forms of the different modules are the natural evolution of the logo concept of Walkman. The memory stick of Sony, with its extraordinary accessibility expands the possibility of interconnecting between different systems and supports, and this is what the whole projected line wants to recreate: the modularity of the single piece that can work on its own or in a group; the maximum flexibility given the numerous combinations of different types of furniture modules.


The sinuous curves of the table top is covered in a filter that is transparent , called Lumisty. The filter in question has the properties of being opaque if you look at it on its side or transparent if you look at it at a perpendicular angle, from the front. The curious optical properties of this filter make it possible that you can create a dynamic relationship between the table and the position of the observer. The closer to get to it, the more transparent the table top seems to change into mist, as if the table was made of smoke and fog.

made for DDM Advertising Verona
autumn 2002