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Elica is a lamp that turns on and off by blowing.
It is a lamp for interiors (but it can also be occasionally used outdoors and only if it doesn't rain) thought for being set on tables and/or bedside tables. Elica falls within the category of "table lamps".
To turn it on, with the helix stopped, blow directly towards it and verify that it makes a sufficient number of revolutions (turns). When the sufficient number of turns is achieved a courtesy led will turn on to warn that the main light is going to turn on.
To turn it off you must wait until the helix has been completely stopped for a couple of seconds and then repeat the operation of blowing towards it.. The lamp will stay in its on or off state un till you will blow towards it again.

According to the power of the light source it can illuminate producing between 230 and 300 lumen, a light strong enough to read a book on the bed or to light up a room with a relaxing aura. Elica respects the Environment: it is built with hi-quality materials that can be easily disassembled and recycled. The use of glues is reduced to the minimum. Inside the electronic circuit uses led free contacts and components and it has a highly efficient energy saving light source. The packaging is built with a special type of cardboard.

Last pubblication on AD April 2007

Elica lamp minisite